Here, I’ll start. When I was 8 years old, my parents went to a dinner party and plonked me down in front of the host’s computer so I’d stay out of their way. The game they booted up to keep me occupied was Space Quest II. Little did they know what impact that would have on me…

    31 year ago

    I got to play Zork in 4th grade on the single C64 in the classroom. Was obsessed with that computer. I beat Zork with a couple classmates and help from the hints book. The teacher gave me a physical Zorkmid coin that came with the boxed game, I still have it somewhere. Zork got me so hooked on computers that it was all I wanted to do.

    I had a hard home life, my dad was an abusive addict. I lived in fear of his seemingly random behavior, one day he would be overjoyed and another miserable about everything. The computer was predictable, if it didn’t work right, it was because I did something wrong. The teacher saw how much that computer meant to me. He taught me what he knew about BASIC programming, he gave me the manual. I’d sit in my room and read it cover to cover, trying to understand everything without having a machine to try it on.

    One day near the end of the year, the teacher pulled me aside and told me that the school was getting rid of some computers, and that I could have one. I think they were getting Apple II’s, so he put aside a VIC-20 for me. I had to get my mom to drive me to school on a weekend and the teacher met us there. In hindsight, I don’t think he had permission or anything.

    Sorry for kind of getting off the topic

    31 year ago

    The Secret of Monkey Island is the first one I can remember playing. I also remember watching my dad play Police Quest 3 as a kid.

  • @dirigitive
    21 year ago

    Secret of Monkey Island on a Tandy 1000 SL

    21 year ago

    The first adventure game I bought and played was an Infocom interactive fiction … I think it was Stationfall. Before I had briefly played Magnetic Scrolls’ Fish! at someone else’s computer. Fell in love with text adventures and started collecting them, I have a few of the Infocom folios as well (sadly not the Starcross saucer). The first graphic adventure I remember playing was King’s Quest IV.

    These games, along with later games like Monkey Island, had a huge influence on me, I learned programming to write adventure games myself but spent more time writing adventure game engines (both text and graphic ones) than actual games, and today I’m a software engineer (not in the game business).

  • holgersson
    11 year ago

    Holy crap, you sent me down a rabbit hole and a trip down memory lane. I remembered the cover of the first CD game I ever played but couldnt come up with the name, so I just read through all Point n Click adventures wikipedia knows off, looking for a bright green background and a weird clown on top of it.

    It was Toonstruck! Never finished it, but it was my first PnC, so I guess that counts.

    The first game that got me sold on adventures was Deponia and generally all of the Daedalic games.

  • Nathan Byrd
    11 year ago

    Like many on here, Zork was my first adventure game, and King’s Quest 1 my first graphical adventure game. Interestingly, growing up I really only played the Infocom and Sierra games, the LucasArts games somehow completely escaped me unfortunately.

    11 year ago

    Those old Infocom games basically taught me how to type. All the Zorks, Hitchhikers, and there was a Lovecraftian one maybe called Lurking Horror.

    11 year ago

    Leisure Suit Larry 1. Still remember that one like it was yesterday. Someday I even use that password in some way.

    After that many more adventures with Larry followed. As well as all Police Quests. A couple of Kings Quest and a couple of Space Quests.

    11 year ago

    Sam & Max: Hit the Road!

    To this day, it’s one of my favorite games of all time. I haven’t played it in a while, so thank you for making me remember! I’m definitely going to go for a new playthrough when things settle down here.