The two lines that best capture the tone of our System Shock remake review are identical.\

Pros: “Fastidiously accurate recreation of the original game” Cons: “Fastidiously accurate recreation of the original game”

  • @retrohistories
    31 year ago

    Yeah, it’s not preservation in the way that preservationists use the word. Maybe we need a different term for this sort of modernisation process: game renovation maybe :D

    Drawn a lot of enjoyment from the remake over the last week or so. It can, like the original, be obscure in its signposting, but I love the shot in the arm it’s given to one of my all-time favourites.

    • @Hiccup
      21 year ago

      Yeah renovation seems like a better word.

      • lamermann
        11 year ago

        I like your use of the word “renovation”. After playing both versions, the remake has the “spirit” of the original, and was clearly crafted with love, but it is not the original.

        What is everyone’s opinion of PowerSlave Exhumed, another Night Dive Studios release? As I understand it, PowerSlave Exhumed combined the PC and Console versions of the original game. Is this a renovation as well? The game feels very authentic to the original but I haven’t played the original console version in 20+ years. :).